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From theseas!Princeton.EDU!cek Wed, 17 Aug 94 23:48:39 EET
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Message-Id: <9408111928.AA04751@cs.Princeton.EDU>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 15:28:27 -0500 (EDT)
Original-Cc: rayshade-users@cs.Princeton.EDU
In-Reply-To: <Pine.3.89.9408111021.A11869-0100000@barrym> from "Barry Moyer" at Aug 11, 94 10:33:44 am
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Errors-To: rayshade-users-request@cs.Princeton.EDU
Remailed-Date: Thu Aug 11 15:28:25 EDT 1994
From: "Eric E. Bardes" <eric@carsinfo.com>
To: barrym@sa-cgy.valmet.com (Barry Moyer)
Subject: Re: Rayshade output format
> I am using Rayshade v4.0.7 on an Alpha OSF/1 v2.0 system that was
> installed *WITHOUT* the Utah Raster Toolkit. I would like to know
> what I can use to view the resulting pictures.
I've made a one-line patch to the file picture.c in libshade that
modifies the output to the PPM format that "xv" can read.
File: picture.c
< fprintf(Options.pictfile,"P6\n%d %d\n255\n",Screen.xsize, Screen.ysize);
> fprintf(Options.pictfile,"%d %d\n",Screen.xsize, Screen.ysize);
I also modified image.c in libray/libimage to read the same format. I
personally think that this format would be useful enough for begining
rayshade users that it should be the default format for non-URT builds.
Take Care -- ,,,
Eric (o o)
Osborn's Law:
Variables won't; constants aren't.
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